
Presidential Candidate 1968

Comedian Pat Paulsen, running for President on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, had these words to say. See if they sound about what we are getting now a days...

"I think I'm a pretty good candidate because...I've been consistently vague on all the issues and I'm continuing to make promises that I'll be unable to fulfill."

May/June issue of AARP Magazine...

Phragmites australis - Common Reed

We grow two named varieties..."Shoreline" common reed and "Southwind" common reed...Both are releases from USDA-NRCS Plant Materials Centers at Knoxville, Texas and Salina, Kansas...

It is a beautiful native grass with a massive root system...Grows well in damp soils...Such as Wetland areas, Pond dams,Streambanks ( see pics on my web-site),

It is an excellent plant for Erosion control, Beautification, Filtering systems, Wildlife, and Dried plant arrangements...

Phragmites means Living Fence, click on Noble Plant Gallery ( this site to see pics)...

Grasslander Seeding Techniques...

When I design a Multiple Native Species Planting Mixture, (refer to talk given to Range Society under Wildlife-Prairie Buffet) I prefer to use tested, fluffy seed which has a low purity (25 to 65%)...But with a germination or TZ of 65% or better...Seeds such as Big Bluestem, Little Bluestem, Indiangrass, Side-oats Grama, Blue Grama with a lower purity have more crevices, bulk, and inert content to help the small seeds such as sand lovegrass and switchgrass to stay in suspension...AND always keep adding fresh seed mix into the seedbox whenever the agitator shaft becomes visible...

Marginal Soil as Renewable Energy

I was quoted in a recent article in the Columbia Daily Tribune regarding conservation and renewable energy. These days, the majority of people are very interested in sustainability.

However, there are many farmers that aren't aware that they can easily profit from their marginal soil. This soil can be the source for generating renewable energy.

Many times, it has been unfortunate to see farmers give that land away not aware the potential for its incredible usage for the environment. I want to raise this awareness and be a good steward of what the good Lord has given us.