Christian Witnessing Tool

History of The Circle & The Cross...

The Circle & The Cross is a GOD Inspired Christian Witnessing Tool (C.W.T.)...

All my life I have wanted to be a better Witness for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...About 5 years ago I awoke on a Sunday morning with this idea, of what I call TcircleTcross, going thru my mind...I got up and made a few sketches and some notations,so I wouldn't forget...After church I went to my shop and made a few C.W.T's...Actually the story of God's Power starts a few months prior to that Sunday...I was at the Lee Lumberyard in Hennessey, Oklahoma, to buy some fencing staples...Steve Lee, the owner, and I were looking for a certain length staple for soft wood posts, when I found these odd looking nails...Steve said "they were masonary cut-nails"...There were only a handful left,so he gave me a sack and told me I could have them...I tucked them into a side door pocket in my truck...They were there until I retreived them that Sunday afternoon...Since then we have made about 500 of the TcircleTcross icons...Which for the most part I have given away...I have visited and presented C.W.T. icons to church youth and adult groups and many individuals...Along with giving these icons away, I am able to share the story of what Jesus Christ means to me...

#1.The Cross reminds us of GOD...God Loved us so much, he gave us his son ,Jesus...John 3:16...

#2.The Cross reminds of Jesus...Jesus Loved Us so much,He was willing to die for us...II Timothy 1-7...

#3.The Cross reminds us of the Resurrection...Which is the basis of our Christian Faith...John 11:25...

#4.The Circle reminds us of God's and Jesus' Never-ending Love...John 15:10-13...

#5.The Circle is also a Christ-Round-Tuit...I just got around to Witnessing to you!!! Luke 2:49...

The Way of the Cross Leads Home...

All you have to do is place this Christian Witnessing Tool on your desk, bookcase, coffee table,or where-ever is best for you...Then let human nature take over, for people like to handle or touch or play with whatever is at hand...And soon they will ask...What is this??? And You will say...It represents the symbols of my Christian Faith..and then because they asked...You can relate the five statements outlined above...Enabling You to be a Christian Witness without being a Bible thumper or pounding people over the head(so to speak) with a Bible...

I have found, that in this manner, we are able to let other Christians know, there are others out there telling Christ's story...

The spiritual stories that have come back to me, have let me know, this little icon works to help spread God's Love...We become Soldiers of and for the Cross...

If the sound of Jesus' name is not on our lips, woe be to us, on Judgement Day...

Purchase as many of the Christian Witnessing Tools as You like, for I know You will feel God's Blessing upon You each time you give one away...Give them to your family, friends, employees,and even your enemies...For we are all one in God's Eye...

Made in Oklahoma by OKIES...


Chuck Grimes...

9612 E 650 Rd...

Hennessey, Oklahoma 73742...