Multiple Native Species Planting Mixtures

Planting Mixture Gallery


This Multiple Native Species Planting Mixture includes over 100+ species...


This seed mixture of native grasses, native legumes, and native wildflowers will bring you back a symbolic prairie, similar to what was here when the buffalo roamed the plains and before the white man screwed everything up...It is good Habitat for Wildlife, Insects(butterflies), Cattle, etc...

Optimum Planting Dates...Dec 15 ----June 1...

Seedbed Preparation: Good firm seedbed.broadcast seed mix on top of the soil, firm the seed 0-1/4 inch shallow into the soil...As in the principle of the Grasslander

Lot # 1MNSPM9

GRASSES... Big Bluestem Little Bluestem Indiangrass Switchgrass Side-oats Grama Blue Grama Sand Lovegrass Tall Dropseed Sand Dropseed Eastern Gamagrass Green Sprangletop Purpletop Virginia Wildrye Canada Wildrye Western Wheatgrass Bushy Bluestem Broomsedge Bluestem Cluster Fescue

LEGUMES... Roundhead Lespedeza Illinois Bundleflower Showy Partridgepea Purple Prairie Clover White Prairie Clover Leadplant White Blue Indigo Slender Lespedeza Tick Clover American Licorice Silky Prairie Scurfpea


Common Evening Primrose Four Point Primrose Canada Goldenrod Downy Goldenrod Missouri Goldenrod Beach False Foxglove Maximilian Sunflower Annual Sunflower Indian Blanket Indian Blanket (Perennial) Englemann Daisy Plains Coreopsis Lazy Daisy Black Eyed Susan Lanceleaf Coreopsis Heath Aster Mexican Hat Coneflower Cup Plant Compass Plant Rosinweed Butterfly Milkweed Daisy Fleabane Spotted Beebalm Blue Flax Baldwin Ironweed Biennial Gaura Black Sampson Upright Coneflower Rattlesnake Master Standing Cypress Mentzelia Spiderwort Pitcher Sage Clasping Coneflower Yarrow American Germander Texas Yellow Star Common Milkweed Poke Bush Sunflower Rocky Mtn Beeplant Indian Paintbrush Clammyweed Scarlet Sage Queen's Delight Snow-on-the Mountain Louisiana Sagewort Western Ragweed

Most of these plants can be seen...Go to and click on Noble Plant Gallery...