
Support the United Postal Service...

My Unk Leo Troyer, use to get back at all of the junk mail he would get by sealing the enclosed envelopes with postage-free written on them and stick them back in the mail...

Can you imagine the thousands or even millions of dollars of revenue this could generate???

I get from 5 to 10 credit card apps a week...That's $3 to $6 per week as a minimum for me alone...

Allis-Chalmers...WC 1948...


It is a 1948 Allis-Chalmers, Model WC, Serial #WC 170937...

I am going to get my tractor running again, hopefully by April 24, for the Hennessey, Oklahoma, Oldies Tractor Parade and Tractor Rodeo...My Dad purchased it so I would have a tractor to drive, when I was 14...I could plow acre an hour...With a two bottom plow...I never was any good at plowing the corners...

Go to my picture gallery to see beginning photo...

Frogfruit (Fogfruit) The Wildflower...


Latin name...Lippia nodiflora...Waterfall/ Oklahoma it's Phyla incisa...


Good nectar plant for many butterflies and bees...

such as:   Tropical Checkered Skipper ...

Lantana Scrub-Hairstreak...


Small Skippers...



Common larval food for:     White Peacock Butterfly...

Phaon Crescent Butterfly...

Buckeye Butterfly...

Seeds for birds:       Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens)...

assorted songbirds...

American Germander, the Wildflower...

We are always looking for beneficial plants, which will grow in shaded will also grow in full sun...

American Germander (Teucrium canadense)...also called wood sage...part of the mint family, Lamiaceae,is such a plant...

This native wildflower is a summer blooming,  perennial forb/herb with conspicuous cream to pink or purple flowers...It is adapted to medium to fine textured soils ( part of mine is sandy ) and prefers moist soils...Seed is round and brown...Where I hand-harvested seed, the plants were 1' to 3' tall...


Here is the Hypothesis...

Only in Day to Day Living is there an East and a West...

But if You were to take Your Harley and head West on any given day, from Lacy, Oklahoma,and there was a sailboat to meet You at any given body of water to take You to the next dry land and on and on and on...You would in time be back to Lacy, Oklahoma...Thus proving there is no East...and the reverse is true, if You headed East and on and on and on...Thus proving there is no West...